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The Shoebridge Track

This track has been the subject of an extensive heritage study by heritage management consultants, Peter Freeman Pty Ltd. The study was prepared for the National Parks & Wildlife Service in 2004; as a result the track is fairly well documented.

Thomas Shoebridge, who owned a store at Lower Araluen, is credited with the initial surveying and construction of the track. It served his store as well as being an all weather route between the port of Nelligen and the Araluen goldfields. It became a busy thoroughfare with teams of pack horses loaded with supplies travelling the route daily. The heavy use meant maintenance and an upgrade was soon required.  In 1861 the Government allocated £1,000 for upgrade and widening of the track. It fell into decline after a short time when the road to Moruya became a dray road.

The features of this track are the gentle grades, passing lanes, benching and extensive filling. It extends from Lower Araluen, once known as Mudmelong to the Buckenbowra Valley to link with other tracks.

The following images are from the Heritage Assessment visit in 2004 and also a combined Access for All and National Parks work day clearing along the western section of the Shoebridge Track in 2014? climbing out from Lower Araluen.

AFA Shoebridge DPID44

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