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The Access for All (R) ("AFA") Association is a Not for Profit Association located in SE New South Wales - Braidwood to Bega region.
Access for All is a registered Trademark.

Access for All (R) is concerned that the public has responsible access to our National Parks and into areas that have important "Bush Heritage" values.

It has been a most difficult period during Covid for all and more so for some. During this time of disruption and difficulties it has not been possible to have our normal meetings.

However Access for All did hold its AGM and regular meeting at the Araluen Hotel back on Sunday July 31 2022.

Next Meeting and AGM is likely to be in August 2023. Stay tuned for details.

We have lots to discuss- We are well funded and well connected with protection under our trademark registrations. Where do we go from here?

Can the bridle tracks be restored? Do we push for the recognition of more tracks?

Should we embrace and open up to other users such as push bikes? What about NPWS management of feral animals and fire controls? What would you like to see from Access For All (AFA)?

"Access For All" has gained Trademark Registration ® status for "Political Lobbying services for the purpose of environmental / public land use."

This registration is under Class 35 and follows on from earlier work with the registration under Class 16 of our "Printed materials; books, pamphlets, calendars, instructional and teaching materials."

Access for All is grateful for the large amount of work done by Hugh. Thank you.

Disclaimer and Privacy

Material on the Access for All website is provided for general interest/entertainment purposes. Reliance upon information contained in this website shall be at the user’s own risk. We accept no responsibility or liability for any damage or technical malfunctions, resulting from your use of this website, or for any viruses or other problems that may infect your computer or related equipment.

Neither this website nor its affiliates, employees, information providers or content providers shall be liable to any user or anyone else for any inaccuracy, error, omission, interruption, timeliness, completeness, deletion, defect, failure of performance, computer virus, communication line failure, alteration of, or use of any content herein, regardless of cause, for any damages resulting therefrom.

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The website may make available links to third party websites. If you choose to use the links to third party websites, you do so at your own risk. We accept no responsibility for the content or accuracy of material which appears on sites linked to this website, or any links within a linked website. We cannot accept any responsibility for damage or problems, technical or otherwise, which may result from your use of the links to other websites or from any changes or updates to such sites.

Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy policies of other websites or servers. We urge you to be aware when leaving our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. Our privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this Website. You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices.

Your privacy is important to us. Should you choose to email us via the ‘Contact’ page, we may use your email address to answer the email we receive from you. Such addresses are not used for any other purpose.

We will not share your email address or details with any outside parties, unless required to do so by law and/or we are instructed to do so by you, nor will we publish any text/material from your email without your permission to do so.


Access for All's Objectives are:

  • To promote the preservation and conservation of all our natural and cultural heritage in the bush.
  • To ensure non-discriminatory access to the bush for all who wish to use it for responsible recreation, education and enjoyment.
  • To ensure that forested areas are responsibly managed for the maximum benefit of the wider community.

Access for All® seeks to achieve these objectives by:

  • Wide community consultation and support.
  • Lobbying Government at Local, State and Commonwealth Levels.
  • Providing a forum for discussion for relevant issues.
  • Raising funds to support the achievement of our objectives.


  • Access for All is dedicated to opposing further Wilderness Declarations in NSW on the grounds that doing so will deprive the people of access to and enjoyment of their natural and cultural heritage and of the economic benefits they currently enjoy.
  • It also seeks to open access to all public lands to responsible use for educational, recreational and cultural purposes.
  • Access for All is dedicated to opening up public lands for responsible recreational and cultural use.
  • Access for All is a forum for the discussion and resolution of issues concerned with the use of and access to public land.
  • Access for All undertakes to inform the public and Government at all levels of these issues.

Join Now

  • $5 Pensioners
  • $10 Single
  • $20 Family
  • $100 Business


Hugh Hodgkinson: 0417 252 104 
Locked Bag 10 PO. 
Braidwood.NSW 2622. 

e mail: info at accessforall.asn.au

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