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Horse Riding in Wilderness Trials

As noted on the NSW Environment Website, "Horse riding in wilderness amendments to plans of management for the Far South Coast Escarpment Parks, Kosciuszko National Park, and Mummel Gulf National Park and State Conservation Area have been adopted by the Minister for the Environment on 13 February 2019.

 AFA Horse Riding01

Horse riding was trialled in the Far South Coast Escarpment Parks of Deua National Park and Monga National Park, Kosciuszko National Park and Mummel Gulf National Park, between April 2014 and April 2016.

After considering outcomes from the trial and continuing stakeholder interest, proposed amendments were made for the 3 plans of management to enable horse riding to continue in the locations that were part of the trial.

These amendments have been adopted by the Minister."

Great news for many responsible stakeholders and Access for All (AFA). Access for All was formed in around 1999 following the declaration of wilderness areas without the knowledge of the presence of a network of historic bridle tracks.

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