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AFA Members and Bombay Riders near a deep waterhole on the Deua River

Access for All Inc® Members Ride Along the Deua River Track 2024

Several Access for All members enjoyed a ride along the historic Deua River Track and visited the remote Alpine Homestead. The Bombay Riders organized the ride.

DeuaRiver Alpine 202404b

This is the old house at Alpine as it stands presently, saved from the ravages of Fire. There are new yards built there and a good sized Shed for machinery. We rode through from Woolla and back in one day - a total of 38 km.

On the way there we stopped at what is called the big hole. The photo doesn’t do it justice the water is metres deep and crystal clear. And the rock formations are amazing. Also we visited the site of an old cottage, all that remained was a pile of rock which was the chimney. We checked it out as Terry Hart pulled a fallen tree from the creek crossing with a tractor.

The country is steep in parts enabling some commanding views of distant mountains. We were lucky the weather was perfect. Thanks to Bombay riders for organising everything.

DeuaRiverMap Alpine1

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