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Tribute for Myrtle by Roger Thwaites

Myrtle Collett (1930-2015) - one of Access for All stalwarts - passed away peacefully in Braidwood hospital last Monday 15th June 2015 after suffering a stroke a few weeks before.

FOR MYRTLE  By Roger Thwaites

I have found when pen strikes paper
And the memories start to flow
The many mates I’ve loved and lost
Some decades past you know
A few were simple stockmen
Some proudly served their god
Some bravely served their country
Some died from lack of love

But here in our great mountains
The bush is quiet tonight
No sound of bushmen’s chatter
No camp fire burning bright
For Araluen’s lady is on her final ride
At Kiminvale, Canowie and out at Woolla’s side
The bush folks hearts are heavy
Now that Myrtle Collett’s died

Harry will be waiting with a welcome for his bride
The billy will be boiling and the damper will be tried
He’ll have the horses saddled
So that they can ride and check the herd
They’ll ride the creek together
Without a single word

And those she cared for most of all
We few she left behind
Are richer for the knowing
Of Myrtle Collett kind
She was no store bought lady
But a diamond quite uncut
She will be with love remembered
Now the door of life is shut

There are many of us grieving
Too many here to name
But we all know just who we are
She trusted just the same
There’ll not be one clear morning
Or one rainy winter’s eve
When she will not be in our thoughts
I wish she didn’t leave

But when memory calls us to ponder
On the things that we did right
Our mateship with this lady
Will not be far from sight
So guess I’ll say it in these lines
That’s where I say it best
She was a lady in her life
And now a lady in her rest.

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